Story: You are the god of Daytime, Daya. After awakening from a deep slumber, you find that a village of your followers has mysteriously vanished. Rewind time and save the faithful villagers.


You can move the camera with scroll wheel drag.

Gameplay: You can loop back time and replay the days to get all villagers to survive 5 days. At day you would split the villagers among different areas. At night, you would split the villagers between the houses. Among the villagers are creatures from folklore you would come to know from tales. Unfortunately you are not the god of sound!! Maybe try listening to some horror ambient music while playing. The goal of the game is to finish it with as few day/night nodes explored as possible.

After finishing the game once you will unlock Hard Mode. The game will randomize the starting colors of all villagers.


1) Can you precisely identify what each villager does? / The rules they operate by?

2) What is the minimum number of day/nights you need to test to guarantee winning the game in Hard Mode? (With gameplay deductions. )

3) Can you beat the game in exactly 5 days? (The solution is hacky. / No gameplay deductions required.)

Notes: Most of the game was coded on the weekend. I find the gameplay fun so I decided to publish it anyway.

Made withGodot

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